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Bellecombe, from the car park on SR10

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Last survey: 09/03/2024
5.46 Km
Departure altitude
447 m
Arrival height
1002 m
Positive difference in height
555 m
Negative difference in height
555 m
Round trip time
Return time
Recommended period


From the A5 motorway junction exit at Châtillon, turn left along Via E. Chanoux for about a hundred metres before turning left onto Regional Road SR10 for Pontey. Follow the road downhill, passing two roundabouts and the railway station itself, before passing under the railway and ignoring the turnoff for Ussel. Cross the Dora Baltea and turn right in the direction of Pontey: a few metres on the right is a clearing where you can leave your car.

[0h04'] - [1.9km]
How to get there with GMaps
How to get there with Apple Maps

The information provided here has been verified as of the date of the route survey. Before setting off, it is advisable to ensure that no substantial changes have occurred on the route to the starting point. We therefore recommend the use of the satellite navigation apps provided by Google or Apple for up-to-date and detailed directions.


Bellecombe is a beautiful village nestled on the wooded northern slope of Mont Barbeston. The hike proposed here describes the classic ascent route starting from the Saint-Clair bridge. The ascent does not present any particular roughness and develops in the beautiful chestnut forest. Just above Taxard, brief but suggestive panoramic views open up over Ussel below and the villages of Saint-Vincent and Châtillon. The hike ends in the presence of the frescoed chapel dedicated to Saint Anne and built in 1679.




0h00' Take the wide mule track that starts at the edge of the regional road. You will soon come to a signpost that gives directions to your destination (Bellecombe, path 1 , 1h30'), ignoring path 5 on the right that leads to the Gimiod pastureland, and proceed with a moderate ascent on the beautiful mule track with stone paving. The wide mule track narrows near a small bridge just before a small wall topped by a grating that protects the Saint-Clair hydroelectric outlet below. The trees thin out a little, leaving room for some interesting views of the town of Châtillon and the Dora Baltea below. A couple of sharp turns give way to the Torrent de Pessey impluvium and the resulting lush vegetation. Quickly cross the little road that leads to Salèche, ignore it on the right, and take the left to cross a little stone bridge that crosses the Torrent de Pessey and anticipates the village of Taxard, which we will not reach.

0h20' 110m Immediately to the right of the little bridge, at an altitude (597m), the path starts and immediately enters the dense forest, passing above the houses of Taxard. The path begins to increase in gradient, passing an initial strip of woodland, predominantly oak (Quercus pubescens), which then opens up with wide panoramic views of Ussel below, Saint-Vincent and the imposing mass of Mont Zerbion. After a few twists and turns, the path proceeds almost level until it reaches a small concrete bridge over the Torrent Moriolaz, after which it begins to climb up the wooded slope again with moderate intensity, a series of hairpin bends quickly leading to the first crossroads with the municipal road to Bellecombe (855m).

0h50' 408m Follow the road to the right for a few hundred metres, making a left turn until you meet a timid yellow marker on the right that invites you to resume the path. The forest changes appearance and the chestnut tree (Castanea sativa) becomes predominant. The path climbs without too many twists and turns and once again reaches the municipal road (897m), which is only taken for a few metres, as immediately to the right a new marker indicates that the path should be taken again. The path climbs up the forest again and the foliage often covers the path almost entirely. With a few twists and turns, you reach the road again (948m) and, after a last stretch of path, you finally reach the road just near Bellecombe. Turn left and at the sight of the first houses, turn right crossing a beautiful meadow with a fountain 💧 to reach the clearing on which we find the pretty chapel dedicated to Saint Anne (1002m) 1h30' 555m.

The descent follows the same route as on the outward journey; to reach the starting point, allow for the walk to take up to 0h50' with 555m of descent.


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We have been there

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Tor de Rodoz

Ho percorso questo itinerario all'interno del percorso ad anello che ho denominato Tor de Rodoz.

Il sentiero è completamente percorribile e si trova in buone condizioni: qualche foglia nella parte alta che non pregiudicano la percorrenza o il reperimento del sentiero.

Giornata uggiosa con qualche goccia d'acqua, temperatura sui 5°C.

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