Reports Points of interest I have been there Magazine Webcam

Croce del Bosc, da Piera


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Last survey: 27/02/2011
12.00 Km
Departure altitude
1295 m
Arrival height
2305 m
Positive difference in height
1010 m
Round trip time
Return time
Recommended period


Highway A2, exit Biasca, follow the signs for Passo di Lucomagno. Park by the side of the road near the village of Piera (two small open spaces dedicated to the bus stop, where the road to Dötra begins.


An excursion to a minor location in Ticino. The presence of a permanently open refuge, fairly close to the start, may favour it, but the large number of snowmobiles, which bring people and materials to the village of Dötra in winter, may make the route less pleasant.


Begin at Piera (m 1295) and take the wide (asphalted) road that leads to the village of Dötra; after about 600 metres, you will find the path that leads to the left, with a signpost indicating Dötra. Take it and walk along it, first in the forest, then on a wide plateau with a small village; continue until you come to two yellow houses slightly ahead of the village of Dötra, in the centre of which is the hut of the same name (1748m above sea level, about an hour from the start). Continue through the village, following the sparse but visible red-white posts. In a short time, we reach an isolated hut (about 2000 m) and the route turns decisively to the west, in the direction of our destination, which is now quite evident. The route flattens out slightly, and we face some bumps after which the ascent becomes more pronounced; we arrive at the base of the summit and the climb becomes really steep, more than a hundred metres of altitude difference at over 40°. You finally reach the sharp summit with the wooden cross (m 2305).
The descent is on the same route as the ascent. Be very careful on the first descent from the summit due to the extreme steepness.


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© 2021 - Ermanno Panara
© 2011 - Ermanno Panara
© 2011 - Ermanno Panara

We have been there


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Croce del Bosc, da Piera
domenica 16 giugno 2024

Croce del Bosc

Gita di ripiego in un fine settimana in cui avevamo ben altri programmi. Il meteo dava bel tempo sabato con nuvole dal pomeriggio, neve copiosa domenica. In realtà abbiamo visto il sole solo fino a metà mattina, poi il cielo velato ha reso il paesaggio monocromatico. La gita in sé non vale un lungo viaggio, ma considerando il lato positivo delle cose è stata una bella giornata perchè: abbiamo camminato in un bellissimo bosco di abete rosso, la neve dura facilitava la progressione, abbiamo visitato una zona fino a ieri a noi sconosciuta e soprattutto la voglia di stare all'aria aperta e lontano dalla folla è stata pienamente appagata. In breve: sono contenta di esserci stata ma non credo che tornerò.
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