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Ring of the Horns of Canzo


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Last survey: 27/04/2010
0.00 Km
Departure altitude
483 m
Arrival height
1239 m
Positive difference in height
756 m
Round trip time
Return time
Recommended period


A pleasant and very interesting excursion in the heart of the Larian Triangle around the three Corni di Canzo, through the state forest and with the support of three refuges. The route is especially appreciated in mid-season both because it takes place at low altitude and because it allows us to admire the beautiful spring blooms.


From the car park, following the signs for Rifugio SEV, I Alpe and III Alpe, take the lovely cobbled road on the left called "Via delle Alpi" which, with a moderate and steady climb, enters the Corni di Canzo Regional Forest managed by ERSAF (Ente Regionale per i Servizi all'Agricoltura e alle Foreste).
The road is always comfortable and without tears. It takes half an hour to reach Primo Alpe or Alpe Grasso (718 m), a renovated building that houses the "Sasso Malascarpa Nature Reserve Visitor Centre" and the "Environmental Education Centre", which are open all year round. It also serves as a refuge with refreshments and overnight accommodation.
Nearby is also the Botanical Path with information on the various species present there. Continuing along the cobbled road, you will come to a small chapel dedicated to S. Girolamo at a hairpin bend, and a little further on, on the left, an arrow indicating Path 1 'Ripianino Corni'. Leave the main road and take the path that climbs halfway up the hillside into the wood with a steeper slope and ends on the generally more used path coming from the Terz'Alpe hut. The climb now becomes steep and tiring, but quickly gains altitude, soon reaching the Pianezzo plateau (1225 m) near the north-west face of the Corno Occidentale. Turn right along a concrete road that leads to the Rifugio SEV (1239 m) located below the Corno Centrale, in a panoramic position overlooking Lake Como.
After a restorative break, turn south-eastwards, following the signs for path no. 5 "Acqua Fo". A narrow but easy track in the forest contours the Corno Centrale passing by some rock routes and downhill comes out in view of the Corno Orientale and Corno Rat. Descend to the right along a beautiful path, which in about ten minutes leads to Acqua del Fo (1000 m), where there is a rest area with a fountain and a monumental beech tree. Continuing now to the right for Terzo Alpe, you reach the Colma della Val Ravella (1000 m), a meeting point of several paths and a pleasant resting place from which you can admire the south face of the Corno Occidentale.
Descend along path no. 5 and soon the imposing building of Terzo Alpe or Alpe Piotti (793 m) will appear on the lower left, the site of an agritourism and a popular resting and refreshment point.
Take a right now to find the wide cobbled road (via delle Alpi) which, after a few minutes, leads to the ruins of Secondo Alpe or Alpe Betulli (793 m), the only alpine pasture not restored. Nearby is a small chapel dedicated to San Miro and a monumental lime tree next to a fountain. Continue along the main road to reach Primo Alpe and finally return to Fonti Gajum, the starting point of the hike.

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© 2021 - Rita Tarussello
© 2010 - Rita Tarussello
© 2010 - Rita Tarussello
© 2010 - Rita Tarussello
© 2010 - Rita Tarussello

We have been there


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Ring of the Horns of Canzo
domenica 16 giugno 2024

Anello dei Corni di Canzo

gita molto rilassante da fare in primavera o autunno, per via del caldo. Noi l'abbiamo fatta nell'ambito della salita al Corno Centrale con la ferrata del Venticinquennale. Risulta così un anello molto interessante e divertente. Il sentiero è molto battuto e tenuto bene. Affollatissimo di famiglie e bambini.
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