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Croix de Saint-Gilles, from Verrès

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Last survey: 25/03/2005
3.00 Km
Departure altitude
390 m
Arrival height
723 m
Positive difference in height
322 m
Round trip time
Return time
Recommended period


At the entrance to the Ayas valley, a mountain topped by a white metal cross stands over the town of Verrès: Mont Saint-Gilles. This itinerary allows you to get to know, at a walking pace, the archaeological splendour of the town of Verrès as well as to cross the interesting arboretum Borna de Laou.


Leaving your car behind, walk along the village street until you reach a small square: here, turn left and, having passed a portico, walk along a wide flight of steps flanking the collegiate church of Saint-Gilles. You ascend the orographic right of the Evançon stream near the imposing manor house of Verrès. After a few minutes, you reach the regional road to the Val d'Ayas: you cross it and begin to climb the path that leads into the arboretum Borna de Laou. One begins to ascend the area following the wooden railings that delineate the path through the forest composed of conifers, native and imported broadleaf trees. Along the ascent, there are a few benches that can be used to enjoy some interesting views of the castle and the village of Verrès. After two detours to the left, the path exits the arboretum and, after a few steps, crosses a small bridge. We continue until we reach a fork in the path, turn left and walk slightly uphill along the section of the path that separates us from the cross (723 m, 0h45').
The cross, which stands on a very scenic rocky knoll, is clearly visible from the village of Verrès.
For the descent, walk backwards along a short stretch covered on the outward journey until you reach a wide meadow, then turn left to join the wooded slope above the locality of Quassu. The descent into the forest begins with a series of twists and turns until you reach a diversion to the left: continue heading towards the hamlet of Verrès passing under the slopes of Mont de Saint-Gilles. Finally, we reach again the regional road to the Val d'Ayas, at its first hairpin bend: we turn right and follow it to the car park (390 m, 1h15').


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