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Retempio sanctuary

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Last Visit: 24/08/2024


The sanctuary can only be reached on foot. Here are the main hiking routes


The sanctuary, built in 1835, is dedicated to Our Lady of the Visitation and St Roch. Inside you can admire a gilded wooden statue of the Madonna and two polychrome statues depicting Saint Andrew and Saint Bartholomew. The name 'Retempio' comes from the Tempioz mountain pasture located nearby. The sanctuary, which becomes the destination of a traditional pilgrimage every year on 2 July, offers a spectacular view of Monte Rosa and the Matterhorn.


The Sanctuary of Retempio, dating back to 1835, consists of a chapel dedicated to Our Lady of the Visitation and San Rocco. A gilded wooden statue of the Madonna and two polychrome statues of St Andrew and St Bartholomew are kept inside.