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Monte San Primo, from Monte San Primo Park

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Last survey: 15/01/2009
0.00 Km
Departure altitude
1050 m
Arrival height
1686 m
Positive difference in height
636 m
Round trip time
Return time
Recommended period


Brief excursion, excellent for occupying a half-day after a good snowfall. The slopes that until a few years ago were occupied by a few ski lifts and the associated slopes are used freely. During the ascent - steep in places, but never prohibitive - you can study the descent route: direct and technical or panoramic and relaxing. The snow on the northern slope is always powdery due to the favourable exposure; on the ridge, on the other hand, it is almost always crusty or even icy.


From the car park, it is only a few steps up to the service huts of the former facilities; paying attention to the many toboggans coming from all directions, we climb the gentle slopes along the line of the first ski lift, until we reach a flat area. From here, the line of ascent is better delineated: continue south-eastwards into a narrow, wooded valley that disappears against the ridge of Monte Ponciv. On the right, on the steep slope, one notices - even with abundant snow - the outline of a wide path: one follows it in long, alternating traverses until it converges on an increasingly narrow ridge dominated by the mountain station of the last ski lift. At this point we find ourselves at Alpe di Terrabiotta 1500m or so, on the longer and flatter track coming from Piani del Tivano (or more precisely from Colma del Piano). From here, the route is obvious: follow the entire eastern slope of Monte San Primo along the ridge, encountering the Q 1564m fire station and the Costone 1614m anticima, until reaching the peak at 1686m. Ignoring the numerous repeater antennas and fire-fighting sensors here as well, one can devote oneself to observing the panorama: the completely isolated position in the centre of the Larian Triangle allows a view of the entire Piedmont-Lombard Alpine arc, with - in the centre and dominating - the Bellagio peninsula.
For the descent, a few possibilities can be considered:

  • Along the ascent route
  • From Alpe di Terrabiotta along a midslope of the north ridge of M.Ponciv
  • From Alpe Terrabiotta along one of the wooded ridges of the northern slope of M.S.Primo (some vegetation problems towards the bottom).

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