Reports Points of interest I have been there Magazine Webcam



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Last survey: 03/01/2010
0.00 Km
Departure altitude
1377 m
Arrival height
2164 m
Positive difference in height
798 m
Round trip time
Return time
Recommended period


A long and very scenic hike, well marked from San Grato to Chamolé which, alternating between stretches in the woods and wide open spaces, passes several alpine pastures above Charvensod and the beautiful Oratory of San Grato, then, still crossing a beautiful wood, arrives in open spaces at the Chamolé alpine pasture. The views are endless: from Monte Rosa, at the start of the excursion, and then towards the Aosta basin, the valleys and peaks towards the north of the Aosta Valley as far as Chamolé, which, despite being a short distance from the Pila ski slopes, is not at all affected by their crowding.


From the village, go up the road for a short distance and take a mule track, which rises to the right just after a bend, and you will soon reach an open slope that you climb up again directly to the Vacoz hut (1481m) located high up on the edge of the forest. If you wish, you can get to this point by faithfully following the continuation of the village road, but considerably lengthening the time required. We then continue to the right following the track of the farm road, which, after a hairpin bend, arrives at a crossroads with signposts (1503m). Here, too, we turn right, climbing steadily to reach the Les Usellières mountain pasture (1571m). During this part of the hike, in addition to the views of the Aosta basin and the peaks of the northern slope, there is a beautiful panorama of the Monte Rosa group behind us. Then, at the next hairpin bend, we pass Villa Tea and then the track gains height in the beautiful evergreen woodland, arriving at Combatissière (1738m); now the track loses its slope and, skirting the wooded flanks of the mountain, reaches a crossroads (1797m) from where we can see the Oratory of San Grato, which is worth visiting on the return journey when it is lit up by the sun. Keeping to the left, pass the San Grato mountain pasture (1,816 m) and, at a bend, you will see a wooden sign on a tree indicating Chamolé, which you should follow if there is a track that climbs more steeply into the wood. If there is no track, continue along the track that, without lengthening the route, climbs the wood and, at an altitude of about 2,040 m, you will come to a fork at the edge of the wood, which is often unidentifiable due to the amount of snow. When you reach the open spaces, go up the slope pointing towards an evident cross above it and, having reached it, you will arrive at the panoramic Chamolé alpine pastureland.


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