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Piz Minor

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Last survey: 20/01/2007
0.00 Km
Departure altitude
2050 m
Arrival height
3049 m
Positive difference in height
999 m
Round trip time
Return time
Recommended period


It is possible to pass either from the Valtellina, via Tirano - Val Poschiavo - Passo del Bernina then descending to the Diavolezza, or from Chiavenna - via Passo Maloja - St.Moritz - Pontresina then ascending to the Diavolezza, with approximately the same travel time from Milan.



Trip, starting not far from the Diavolezza cable car departure point, really beautiful, with splendid views of the Pizzi Palù and Bernina and generally not too busy. If it weren't for the long, almost flat valley, which requires us to cross it for more than 1h 30', almost to Alpe La Stretta, the trip to Piz Minor would really be as good as one could ask for from a ski mountaineering trip.



You can start either from Bernina Sout or from the Diavolezza cable car parking area (the first solution is preferable when there is plenty of snow to allow you to cross the stream without any problems, the second has a bridge over the stream but you have to climb up a little on the way back), a few kilometres beyond the Bernina Pass in Swiss territory. Either way, climb up the valley on the left-hand side until almost reaching Alpe La Stretta (calculate at least 1.5 hours on a slightly uphill slope): take care that in spring you cross the valley after the large avalanches in the south-facing canyons have fallen. Shortly before the Alpe, now within sight of the summer hut, cross the stream and climb up an obvious slope on the opposite side, until you reach the base of Piz Minor between humps and hollows. Here, with a diagonal to the right, we go to the equally beautiful summit of Piz Alv, while for our summit, we climb the evident slope to the left of the wall, towards an altitude of 2878. From the col immediately to the right of this altitude, you can continue straight on to Piz dals Lejs, or climb the steep slopes to the right up to the watershed. From here, the summit of Piz Minor can be reached in a short time by following the ridge to the left. Grandiose views of the Bernina group, the entire Valtellina, the Livigno valley and the Ortles-Cevedale group. Bibliography

  • Miotti, Solvetti (1998) "282 itinerari di scialpinismo fra alto Lario ed Engadina", Sondrio


  • C.N.S n.269 scala 1:50.000



  • Miotti, Solvetti (1998) "282 itinerari di scialpinismo fra alto Lario ed Engadina", Sondrio


  • C.N.S n.269 scala 1:50,000

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