Reports Points of interest I have been there Magazine Webcam

Allalinhorn, from the Metro Alpin cable car


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Last survey: 07/08/2010
0.00 Km
Departure altitude
3473 m
Arrival height
4027 m
Positive difference in height
576 m
Round trip time
Return time
Recommended period


The Allalinhorn is a large glacier cap that crowns, with other 4000 m peaks, the splendid Saas Valley and is one of the easiest 4000 m peaks in the Alps and is suitable for beginners who want to become familiar with high mountains and glacier progression. The itinerary is very popular and consequently always well traced and presents elementary difficulties normally without objective dangers; the final traverse below the summit can be delicate at times in the presence of windy snow slabs. From the summit, the view is exceptional over the numerous 4000 m peaks in the Saas valley and Zermatt, and others further afield from Mont Blanc to the Oberland. Due to the moderate altitude difference, the ascent can also be made in the day by taking the first rides of the cable car and Metro Alpin.


From the arrival of the Metro Alpin you take the ski slope, walking flat on the slope that skirts and circumvents on the right the evident rocky promontory just in front passing under some small seracs. Cross another slope and pass under the ski lift to head, again briefly on a slope beaten by snowcats, to the upper part of a large serac at the beginning of which you pass a terminal on a snow bridge to continue on the slope whose gradient increases significantly (40°). Continue on the flank of the Hinter Allalingrat on easy slopes with the track well traced out, passing again on a snow bridge over a serac and heading towards the clearly visible, wide Feejoch creek; without reaching it, turn left just before it towards the large ice slope that descends to the north of the clearly visible rocky peak. A few hairpin bends take you up a traverse on an easy slope with which you contour around the rocks on the right of the slope that reaches the ridge line; when you reach it, walk along it for a few metres and you will soon reach the small rocks where the metal summit cross is located.


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© 2010 - Giancarlo Beretta
© 2010 - Giancarlo Beretta
© 2010 - Giancarlo Beretta
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© 2010 - Giancarlo Beretta

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